Mavaron's Twitter
Moon River
Love Me Little, Love Me Long
AnonymousLove me little, love me long,Is the burden of my song.Love that is too hot and strongBurneth soon to waste.Still, I would not have thee cold,Not too backward, nor too bold;Love that lasteth till tis oldFadeth not in haste.Love me little, love me long,Is the burden of my song.If thou lovest me too much,It will not prove as true as touch;Love me little, more than such,For I fear the end.I am with little well content,And a little from thee sentIs enough, with true intentTo be steadfast friend.Love me little, love me long,Is the burden of my song.Say thou lov'st me while thou live;I to thee my love will give,Never dreaming to deceiveWhiles that life endures.Nay, and after death, in sooth,I to thee will keep my truth,As now, when in my May of youth;This my love assures.Love me little, love me long,Is the burden of my song.Constant love is moderate ever,And it will through life persever;Give me that, with true endeavorI will it restore.A suit of durance let it be,For all weathers that for me,For the land or for the sea,Lasting evermore.Love me little, love me long,Is the burden of my song.Winter's cold, or summer's heat,Autumn's tempests on it beat,It can never know defeat,Never can rebel.Such the love that I would gain,Such the love, I tell thee plain,Though must give, or woo in vain;So to thee, farewell!Love me little, love me long,Is the burden of my song.
The perfect store
A very good book about how eBay started and grew to current magnate. There are many insights inside the book, like how the founders hesitated and made decisions in front of difficulties and uncertainties.
Strongly recommend.
Decode IBFX contest (II)
Rounding tricks
Little problem for fun
Decode IBFX contest (I)
Break, we need.
Is now the right time to buy corporate America?
If we view the election as trading, then it's just a game that you can only access at limited openings. What's more, your opponent would only make you more risk seeking.
It's not the right time to buy America now. But for Obama, I would say he is lucky to be chosen at this historical time.
A simple explanation of the 5% rule
In short, this is just some analogous version of the notorious doubling strategy used in option trading. In forex market, there could be some sudden move which is highly unpredictable and contradicted to long-term trend. Mostly, such move would be controlled within 2% range, which, take EUR/USD as example, is some 200-250 pips move. That is to say, given a 100 margin ratio, you are going to be eliminated if your position is over half of your asset (I mean the margin you use). What's more important is such move usually happens in less than 5 minutes, maybe without even a look back. For guys like me who can't concentrate on the market all the time, such move is deadly.
So taken the famous Fibonacci rule, there might be a 30% correction before next major move. So make it safe, let's say 20%. Then if we assume you only buy before the move and at the bottom of the move, an asset allocation about 1:4 would be appropriate. Still in pursuit of simpleness, let's just divide it by two to reflect your risk attitude. That's 5%.
Of course this analysis is too naive. In practice there are tons of variations to reflect your own strategy and risk tolerance. For me, I would use a 1% per trade at most. And what's more important than this in trading is some other principles like strict stop loss, macro analysis, etc. Anyway, the risk control of this means should be appriaciated.
Probabilistic trader
A trader will create self-autocorrelation by taking his past trading record into consideration. A loss will turn him into hesitation at another several trades. This implicitly creates the resonance, which can be described as some emerging order as in Strogatz's "SYNC".
Such resonance has a tendency to eliminate any profitable short term trading patterns. That's why trending following is so popular. Finally we need some external stimulus to support our speculation.
Double in Two Days
At least I am going to have a happy weekend. Thank you, Mr. Depression.
Remember what Lipschutz says, don't be shaken out by noise.
Fischer Black and the revolutionary idea of finance
Best time in 40 years
The final bullet
Just don't forget to smile when you fall down.
black swan redemption
for day
for night
i'm praying
for the sacred redemption
redemption comes
just as seldom as
appearance of black swan
black swans stroll around
frequent and unperceived
since we are
are busy praying
for appearance of
the black swan
Chimay Trappist

Check out this guy
An intraday trader who reminds me of myself. Thanks to his big mouth, we can see the pros and cons to be an intraday trader. Besides that, no much useful information is provided.
What remains unchanged since the very first day of financial world is people's desires
- Robert Prechter
Feed the money cow
Way of the turtle
The cover of this book is a little too fancy which makes me think it's just another bluffing popular reading. However, as I go through the details, I find my rash judgment almost let me miss a great piece.
To be frank, this book doesn't provide too many practical skills. But what Curtis tells is enough for any reader to figure out many reasonable trading rules. Those general principles also avoid the "overoptimization" problem defined in the book. As a trader, Curtis's opinions are helpful as well as unbiased. Crystal and objective. This, I think, mostly comes from his deep understanding about the trading activity.
A must-read.
mavaron's craps on investment - IV
(2) "Breaking a rule is more important for a rule than simply obeying it."
Comment: What you don't believe weighs more than what you believe.
(3) "What matters is how you define risk, but not how you hedge it."
(4) "Theorists try to capture volatility while practitioners create it."
Comment: In modern world, innovative investment strategies are important.
(5) "The only shortcut to save a huge loss is to create another huger loss to save."
Comment: No matter what situation you are in, stay calm and cool.
The strategy in current market
And look into their fundamental details first.
RIMM down
can't create a market of its own, the high expectation would fall
short. given AMD and INTC case, i would be bearish on AAPL and RIMM
since i think the speculation is a little out of bound.
anyway, remember to be swift.
I would bet it's going down. Maybe it would be up after conference call next Wed, but wouldn't be much given its current price and current macro-environment. But, but if it goes down, that would be huge, most likely 30%+. It's about fundamentals, but not all about fundamentals and not all the time. There is big short pressure for this stock. I like blackberries but I could short RIMM at the same time.
Let's wait and see.
经典的电影瞬间 - 10
Director: Luc Besson
1. 静谧的夜晚,皎洁的月光下,Jacques和海豚同游。
2. Jacques为Enzo实行海葬。
经典的电影瞬间 - 7
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
结尾,当Plainview赶着用保龄球桩砸死Sunday之后,坐在地上,精疲力尽的对着推门进来的管家说道:“I am finished。”这时,勃拉姆斯的D大调小提琴协奏曲Op. 77响起。
评:也许有人会喜欢Plainview接受洗礼的那段,不过那段疯狂有余,而并没有表现出Plainview那种桀骜不逊的特性,在结尾疯狂追杀Sunday,最后精疲力尽的说出I am finished,而随后勃拉姆斯小提琴协奏曲那突兀有力的开头更是点睛之笔。
经典的电影瞬间 - 6
导演: 贾樟柯
经典的电影瞬间 - 5
Director: Francis Coppola
评:Godfather很难挑出某个单独的瞬间,尽管节奏缓慢,但不会有让你希望可以拉快进键的片段。A real masterpiece。
经典的电影瞬间 - 4
Director: Frank Darabont
评:Shawshank Redemption里面有很多让人回味的镜头,比如Andy在狱监办公室里放歌剧,比如让Red获得假释出狱的那次独白,但我最喜欢的还是结尾的这段,在旁白的进行中,Red重新找到希望,露出标志性的笑容,一种不是像在监狱中那种习惯以后的笑容,而是一种战胜环境挑战的自信的笑容,蕴含在全片当中的那种安静的力量再次得以显现。
经典的电影瞬间 - 3
Director: James Cameron
影片的最后,Arnold Schwarzenegger饰演的Terminator为了人类的未来,自沉入翻滚的钢水中,伴随着Main Theme的背景音乐,他缓缓下沉,而在完全没入之前那高擎着的竖起的大拇指,成为电影史上的经典影像。
经典的电影瞬间 - 2
Director: Oliver Stone
Gordon Gekko's speech on Greed.
Some excerpt:
"... The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.
Greed is right.
Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind.
And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
评:Gordon Gekko这段关于Greed的演说,或许比Wall Street这部片子还要出名。Michael Douglas的表演也比这段演说词更为精彩。
Oliver Stone的这部片子取材于Wall Street 80年代有名的insider trading丑闻,而Gordon Gekko的原型就是丑闻的主角之一,the notorious arbitrageur: Ivan Boesky。而Greed的说法也是Boesky最早在Berkeley的一次毕业演说里面提到的,当然,面无表情的Boesky自然不会有Douglas的演说技巧,据说这次毕业演说枯燥无比,只是Boesky在快结尾的时候提到的这些话,被Oliver Stone添油加醋,再经Douglas的精彩演绎,让它声名远扬。感兴趣的可以看看James Stewart的Den of Thieves。
经典的电影瞬间 - 1
导演: 姜文
结尾,定义在黑白色调里的画面中,一辆加长轿车载着已经成人的儿时玩伴们在开放的北京道路上缓缓行驶,没有对话,只有平缓的背景音乐,生活的差异让聚在一起的他们找不到共同的话题,场面有些尴尬,这时,有人在旁边的行人路上发现了依旧骑着一根棍蹒跚前行的“古鲁姆”,找到了共同话题的人群开始兴奋,他们把身子探出车外,不断的喊着“古鲁姆”,希望得到和儿时一样的回应。“古鲁姆”并不理睬,直到被喊得不耐烦,面对着翘首期盼的众人,轻蔑的说了一句:“SB。”镜头随之拉远... ...
文字作者:马可 文/李一然 译 出自期刊:世界博览2006年11月 第11期
延安客运站是一个臭气熏天、杂乱不堪的地方,也是这个城市唯一的长途车站。因前日的积雪,遍地是雪痕横陈的黑灰色泥浆。人们在这里聚散离合,每天都上演着人生悲喜剧。我下了车,费力地挤到售票大厅门口。“老外,老外”的叫声一直追着我的耳朵跑。在延安,到处都能看到美国旅游团,每个新来的老外都得 “出点儿血”。
“电视上经常宣传壶口,很有名。”“壶口瀑布是我们中国人的骄傲。”她补充道: “黄河是中国母亲河,而壶口瀑布是黄河最美的地方。”
这段话听上去很像电视里的广告词。“很多老外都去那了 。”第一个人说。她做了个不屑的手势,“我们这儿就是落后,不像北京,上海那样。”
另一个说: “延安各方面都不行,这里就是脏。我们没有北京的天安门广场,也没有上海的东方明珠,只有窑洞。”“但是,你们这里有黄河啊。”我提出了自己的观点。
阳光将脚下的泥浆晒成干土,目及之处让我感觉置身于火星上。黄土坡此起彼伏,一条条裂缝布满干枯的河底,让人想起古稀老人脸上纵横交错的皱纹。千百年来黄河流经这里,滋润着干涸的沟渠,灌溉着渴望的田地,成为人们祖祖辈辈的生命之源。她吸引着人们从四面八方聚拢在一起,沿着她的足迹繁衍生息。此时此刻我感到失望。原以为会看到飞流直下气势磅礴的大瀑布,看到成百上千立方米黄水飞溅倾泻的壮丽景象,而眼下只有沙漠一般的干涸土地。 我恍惚地继续向南行进了几百米,走进干枯的河床中央。忽然,几个摄影用的三角支架、超长的佳能和尼康牌的摄影镜头进入我的视野,这些器械的后面站着几个身穿灰夹克的摄影爱好者。难道干涸的河床上还有什么景色吸引这么多的人来这里拍照吗?
我凑上去想看个明白,却听到了河水的咆哮声。这声音果真是黄水坠入峡谷发出的吗?当我走过去时,眼前的景象是我从未见过的,即使是在沙夫豪森的莱茵瀑布和拉普兰水域也没有:黄色的泥浆泻入深沟,注入奔腾的黄水。稍不留神,衣服上就会溅上星星泥点儿。孩子们在父亲周围喧闹嬉戏,姑娘们因兴奋而向瀑布大声喊叫。瀑布各处都能看见警示牌,上面写着 :请注意安全,否则有生命危险。站在那里,黄色的水沫飞来,滴滴点点地沾在我的皮肤、头发和衣服上。几米开外蹲着一个人,几乎纹丝不动,看上去是个老年男人。老人头上戴着一顶很大的编织遮阳帽,穿一件蓝色棉衣,脚下是一双橄榄绿的帆布军鞋。他似乎并没有被周围的欢乐气氛感染,只是自顾自地蹲在那儿打盹。不知为什么,这人身上有一种特别的气质吸引着我。仔细观察后我发现他有着精致的五官,脸上充满了书卷气。我好奇地向他走过去。
我感到惊讶。同济大学可是20 世纪初由一位德国医生创办的,最初用于医学教育。我知道那个大学土木系教授的价值,他们在课余赚的外快能让月收入增加好几倍,而且,还能为中国城市的现代化建设助一臂之力。“你怎么到这里来了?”我问。
我在波鸿大学读书的时候听过一些。有位教授非常喜欢庄子和他那些稀奇古怪的寓言。 “那个黄土地的国王,”他弯下腰,用干柴似的手从地上抓了一团黄泥, “开始追求内心的富足与圆满。他放弃了一切,将国家交给了继任者,自己过起了朴素的隐居生活。后来他逐渐明白,必须排除一切杂念,才能聆听内心最真实的声音。我们将黄帝尊奉为中国的鼻祖。”他边说边在手中把玩着泥土, “他对人类的成功提出了很多真知灼见,中国历史上有许多政治家、诗人、思想家都追随他的脚步,像屈原、陶渊明、苏东坡,包括我们这个世纪的许多智者,如林语堂。”
A poem

- inspired by Josef Sudek's Late Roses
Roses are never late,
but love could be;
Love is never limited,
but life would be;
Life is never free,
but mind should be.
mavaron's craps on investment - III
Comment: Putting money in bank is like shorting all other risky assets in the world.
(2) "What matters is not how good your system is, but how good you execute your system."
Comment: Many said, trading is all about psychology.
(3) "If you are losing on every trade, make a system with reverse strategy."
Comment: Watch Schrodinger cat and Murphy's law.
(4) "Stock market always repeats, in a different way every time."
Comment: A variation of a famous quote.
(5) "Behavioral finance is not a challenge to finance theory, but a good excuse."
mavaron's craps on investment - II
Comment: To be frank, I love the last one. It's called RP.
(2) "There is one thing powerful than bubble, i.e., negative bubble."
Comment: Jim Rogers said buy panic and sell hysteria. Useful crap. More details refer to Robert Shiller's "Irrational Exuberance".
(3) "If you feel miserable about your investment, think about the real life experience. you're born with parents as random picks, married with wife as a depreciating asset and raising kids as long-term debt hopeless to get yield."
(4) "Many guys want to become billionaires by mimicking shit billionaires, but they only become shits."
Comment: Be yourself. Avoid ridiculous reverse reasoning.
(5) "A shopping mania will not make a good trader."
mavaron's craps on investment - I
(1) "In investment world, universal truth is universal crap."
(2) "There is no supply-demand stuff in this world. There is only one thing called demand."
Comment: Many startups' mistake is to think they create supply by simply producing. Without demand, what they produce is just bulk of junk.
(3) "Sometimes you win not because you are having an edge. Simply because you are able to take bigger loss."
Comment: See example at beginning of "Liar's Poker". I always say, gambling is wrong but everyone should appreciate gambler's spirit. That is, your mind should be Borel set objectively and Markovian subjectively.
(4) "You are not playing with the market, but other players."
(5) "Market is not always right, but was and will be always right."
Silent, Silent Night
Silent, Silent Night
by William Blake.
Silent, silent night,
Quench the holy light
Of thy torches bright;
For possessed of Day
Thousand spirits stray
That sweet joys betray.
Why should joys be sweet
Used with deceit,
Nor with sorrows meet?
But an honest joy
Does itself destroy
For a harlot coy.
秦穆公使孟盟举兵袭郑。过周以东。郑之贾人弦高、蹇他相与谋曰:“师行 数千里,数绝诸侯之地,其势必袭郑。凡袭国者,以为无备也。今示以知其情, 必不敢进。”乃矫郑伯之命,以十二牛劳之。三率相与谋曰:“凡袭人者,以为 弗知。今已知之矣。守备必固,进必无功。”乃还师而反。晋先轸举兵击之,大 破之殽。郑伯乃以存国之功赏弦高,弦高辞之曰:“诞而得赏,则郑国之信废矣。 为国而无信,是俗败也,赏一人而败国俗,仁者弗为也。以不信得厚赏,义者弗 为也。”遂以其属徙东夷,终身不反。
US Trip
PS:Game theory是个很有意思的东西,有时间应该写点这方面的感想。
Film - The Kite Runner
Sketches of Frank Gehry
王利发 哪儿不一样呢!秦二爷,常四爷,我跟你们不一样;二爷财大业大心胸大,树大可就招风啊!四爷你,一辈子不服软,敢做敢当,专打抱不平。我呢,做了一辈子顺民,见谁都请安、鞠躬、作揖。我只盼着呀,孩子们有出息,冻不着,饿不着,没灾没病!可是,日本人在这儿,二拴子逃跑啦,老婆想儿子想死啦!好容易,日本人走啦,该缓一口气了吧?谁知道,(惨笑)哈哈,哈哈,哈哈!
常四爷 我也不比你强啊!自食其力,凭良心干了一辈子啊,我一事无成!七十多了,只落得卖花生米!个人算什么呢,我盼哪,盼哪,只盼国家像个样儿,不受外国人欺侮。可是……哈哈!
秦仲义 日本人在这儿,说什么合作,把我的工厂就合作过去了。咱们的政府回来了,工厂也不怎么又变成了逆产。仓库里(指后边)有多少货呀,全完!哈哈!
王利发 改良,我老没忘了改良,总不肯落在人家后头。卖茶不行啊,开公寓。公寓没啦,添评书!评书也不叫座儿呀,好,不怕丢人,想添女招待!人总得活着吧?我变尽了方法,不过是为活下去!是呀,该贿赂的,我就递包袱。我可没做过缺德的事,伤天害理的事,为什么就不叫我活着呢?我得罪了谁?谁?皇上、娘娘那些狗男女都活得有滋有味的,单不许我吃窝窝头,谁出的主意?
常四爷 盼哪,盼哪,只盼谁都讲理,谁也不欺侮谁!可是,眼看着老朋友们一个个的不是饿死,就是叫人家杀了,我呀就是有眼泪也流不出来喽!松二爷,我的朋友,饿死啦,连棺材还是我给他化缘化来的!他还有我这么个朋友,给他化了一口四块板的棺材;我自己呢?我爱咱们的国呀,可是谁爱我呢?看,(从筐中拿出些纸钱)遇见出殡的,我就捡几张纸钱。没有寿衣,没有棺材,我只好给自己预备下点纸钱吧,哈哈,哈哈!
Frank Gehry
The Guggenheim Museum, Tiffany jewel series, Ginger and Fred .... He reminds me of Gaudi.
".... He is also an artist. He takes so many risks, and that's what artists do. Artists take risks to do something new no one has seen before. " --- Mildred Friedman
Google earth views of his famous works:
Film Review - There will be blood
Bill Lipschultz
"A key to profiting from a trend is the ability to stay in the trade and not be shaken out during periods of price consolidation or correction."
Clear FSLR Puts and Long DELL Calls
Pure gut feeling.
Short FSLR
Some topics
1. Parallel and distributed computation, theory and practice;
2. Garbage underlying and valuable derivative;
3. Business models in social networks era;
4. Negative bubble.
Film Review - The Assasination of Jessie James
The assasination of jessie james不错,虽然称不上伟大。整部影片烘托出了紧张的气氛,表现手法类似教父,没有陷入繁琐的J. James的犯罪历史,而是用一些代表性的场景来刻画人物性格。
Brad Pitt表演的Jessie James稍微有点不妥的地方,在我看来,他还是适合A river runs through it里面的桀骜的Paul MacLean,而缺乏James应有的沉稳,矛盾的性格特征,当然随着年龄的增长,这方面已经改进了很多。也许中年的Robert de Niro会是不错的人选。
Casey Affleck饰演的Robert Ford很不错,角色的匹配让他的表演感觉比在Gone baby gone里面好得多。
Inside the house of money
A wonderful book composed of valuable thoughts. They show not only what works but also what doesn't work. They not only talk about philosophy, but also practice and experience. Overall, they tell what is a true trader's instinct, no devalue nor overvalue.
Highly recommended.
The Alchemy of Finance
The book is not well organized and seems too wordy. But there truly are some pearls buried in those lengthy statements. They alone are enough to justify the value of the book.
On Randomness
On Randomness
We start from RNG (random number generator), which can be seen in almost every utility program today. It’s like the representative we employ in computer systems to shows our awe to the powerful reality. And by a better designed RNG, we hope we would be able to predict God’s next move.
I’ve been TA for simulation course for several times and RNG is always a core part in simulation programming. There are dozens of algorithms for random sequence generation, starting from simplest LCG (linear congruential generator) to “unpredictable” trapdoor function. Correspondingly there are dozens of back-test methods to ensure the sequence we generate looks random as well as normative.
But the problem is if the volume of memory is limited, the computer, theoretically, is just a FSM (finite-state machine). Then there is no way to generate a truly random sequence by such a deterministic system. Randomness should be totally memoryless and independent. What we are trying to do is just to make the generated repetitive sequence as long, chaotic, as possible. Anyway, what you need is what you should generate. So I always told the students, the best way is to know the simulation systems, to feed them what they want. That’s why in most cases, LCG is fine enough.
I further go on thinking about where RNG can be improved. Can we break repetitiveness? Yes. Think about the irrational number, square root of 2.
We know it can be approximated by
But you can’t rush to your boss and tell him you just discover a true RNG. Since if your boss is stupid enough to believe you and use your algorithm for some highly confidential data, it would take long to be cracked. The problem is non-repetitiveness is far from randomness. So can all irrational numbers be generated with finite information? That’s a little beyond this article’s scope. Let’s put it aside. The conclusion now is we can’t make a true RNG by computer. Maybe someday, and the day we achieve this, is the day we solve Turing test.
But that’s not the end of the story. Randomness is still like a buzzword to me. I don’t like buzzwords.
What’s Randomness Anyway?
Random, by Webster, means “relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence”.
This definition should be familiar since that’s what we are taught in probability course. In my view, randomness, belongs to topology more than to pure numbers (of course you can say all mathematics can be cracked down to number theory). It not only is some gift from observation, but also has been widely applied in practices. The jump from deterministic number to functional can bring many unexpected and surprising benefit.
History repeats but never in the same way. Paul Samuelson once nicely put it in this way: we have only one sample of history. We are living in a world we don’t know completely. Even someone declares the world is deterministic, it’s more philosophical instead of “scientific”. But we desperately want to know the world since we are clear about the pay-off of predictability. Unpredictability and predictability, are like twins.
Randomness is our solution. More specifically, we use probability theory to get ourselves some clue. We “price” unpredictability by measures such as Sharpe ratio. We make ourselves a cozy home in the dark cold universe.
But if you pay a little attention to the definition, you can see a word “definite”. How come a definite thing in definition of a certainly indefinite thing?
Look back the way probability theory goes. It starts with gambling and now, has expanded to every area. But some basic principles haven’t changed. It needs preassumed distributions like Gaussian, to generate the whole topological structure, and needs some mapping rules like VaR, to help our decision. Both are strong assumptions and “definite”.
We get those definite things from data. But recent study is questioning both (for example, see Kahneman, Tversky, Mandelbrot’s writings). In my point of view, this is good but still wrong in direction.
Harold Hardy once said compared to physics, mathematics seems more “real” to him. Absolutely right. Given the randomness theory, itself forms a complete and beautiful system. Just like given gravity and other basic rules, we have our real world. In probability universe, we have rules like optimality, equilibrium, etc. Every entity can enter the universe but if it doesn’t show respect to the game rule, it’s going to be eliminated theoretically. To be specific, this is called arbitrage opportunity in finance.
But as Samuelson said, we can’t believe a model simply because it’s beautiful. Does randomness serve its purpose?
Why We Need Randomness?
We need randomness to make a better understanding of the real world, like Milton Friedman said, “prescribe what should be done in the light of what has been done”. Is the beautiful randomness really helpful in our reality?
Assume you are gambling with an idiot. You two pick 0 or 1 each time. And rule is as follows: If you two pick the same number, nothings happens. Otherwise, the 1 guy wins a million. Obviously, in this zero-sum matrix game, only one Nash equilibrium exists: 1-1.
But what if that idiot keeps picking 0? Are you going to be lured by the million reward? In other words, do you have confidence to tell determinacy by past data?
This simple example shows the gap between theoretical and real worlds. The strong assumptions and lack of details specifications make the theory hard and dangerous to apply. What if everyone truly regards the world as random? Is this going to lead to a limit or a never-converged distribution? Is the whole system resulted robust to its rules? By continuing such discussions, you would find it goes more and more theoretical and useless.
As John Milnor said about Nash’s work on game theory: “However, when mathematics is applied to other branches of human knowledge, we must really ask a quite different question: To what extent does the new work increase our understanding of the real world? On this basis, Nash's thesis was nothing short of revolutionary.” From this angle, probability theory is only a limited, micro-level theory. It sets up a set of rules about how people should play the game but doesn’t explain. What we are doing is to prove the completeness of the universe and seek black holes, etc.
In conclusion, there is no such thing called “randomness” in this world. What we face are only known and unknown.
Unknown is Unmeasurable
Randomness is still deterministic. It’s just a tool we use to treat the unpredictable world. Given circumstances, given uses, it’s useful. If people are stuck in it, they may lose the chance to realize the real world.
Unknown is unmeasurable. We have no idea what it is. Sure we can’t handle this kind of stuff. That’s why we turn to things like probability theory. We need to know the prior knowledge, the time, the frequency, the sample size, the utility, et al. But you can’t say a 99.9% VaR portfolio is secure since you don’t know how the system runs. We are dusts in a dessert and we need to see the big picture.
Think Big
My probability theory is poor and only limited to certain areas like finance. The learning of probability theory did improve my realization of the world. But the trading experience tells me to be a non-believer, i.e., probability theory is merely part of the tools we human being has invented along our history.
For financial world, I want to model it as a dynamical system. However, the complexity, theoretically, is beyond my current capacity and I also don’t have enough resources to practise my theory now. Anyway, I can use some intuitive and straight ways to experiment in small scale. Though they seem not so mathematically beautiful and even hard to express by words, they are better than orthodox finance engineering stuff because they are “big”.
Yes, think big and think different. We are not what we are taught but certainly we are what we think.
Some beautiful lines
-Robert Frost
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
A Nature article
" Chemistry: Power Play
A German physicist and a hedge-fund magnate are competing to push protein simulations into the realm of the millisecond. Brendan Borrell finds out what is at stake. "
Interesting article. I am going to write something about distributed and parallel computing when free.