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    AFI's 100 Years…100 Movie Quotes

    so familiar. simply listing them here actually doesn't make any sense. only after you watch the movie, know the plot and the actor/actress, you can truly understand them. 

    1. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Rhett Butler Gone with the Wind
    2. "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse." Don Vito Corleone The Godfather
    10. "You talkin' to me?" Travis Bickle Taxi Driver
    13. "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Jennifer Cavilleri Barrett Love Story
    17. "Rosebud." Charles Foster Kane Citizen Kane
    21. "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." Hannibal Lecter The Silence of the Lambs
    22. "Bond. James Bond." James Bond         Dr. No[7]
    23. "There's no place like home." Dorothy Gale         The Wizard of Oz
    25. "Show me the money!" Rod Tidwell        Jerry Maguire
    31. "After all, tomorrow is another day!" Scarlett O'Hara          Gone with the Wind
    37. "I'll be back." The Terminator          The Terminator
    40. "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump Forrest Gump
    41. "We rob banks." Clyde Barrow Bonnie and Clyde
    49. "It's alive! It's alive!" Henry Frankenstein Frankenstein
    50. "Houston, we have a problem." Jim Lovell           Apollo 13
    55. "La-dee-da, la-dee-da." Annie Hall             Annie Hall
    57. "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good." Gordon Gekko Wall Street
    58. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Michael Corleone The Godfather Part II
    59. "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." Scarlett O'Hara    Gone with the Wind
    85. "My precious." Gollum The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
    94. "I feel the need—the need for speed!" Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and Lt. Nick "Goose" Bradshaw Top Gun
    95. "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." John Keating Dead Poets Society



    超市打折,半价买了Antica Macelleria Falorni的两条Salame:Salame di cinghiale(野公猪)和Salame di cinta senese brada(Cinta senese是Tuscany特有的一种猪品种)




    一部出色的影片,有一点歌剧风格,由Milos Forman执导 (也是飞越疯人院的导演)。

    一部好电影总是综合了很多因素,但也会有一个让人印象最深刻的风格---让画面说话,比如Godfather,James Cameron,张艺谋;让情节说话,比如Chris Nolan,Hitchcock,Quentin Tarantino,黑泽明;让演员说话,比如Woody Allen,The Shawshank Redemption。而Amadeus就是一部用音乐说话的电影。


    Benoît Mandelbrot, Novel Mathematician, Dies at 85

    "Instead of rigorously proving his insights in each field, he said he preferred to 'stimulate the field by making bold and crazy conjectures' — and then move on before his claims had been verified."


    Movies to watch

    Try to find time to watch the following movies:

    Inside Job
    Wall Street: Money Never sleeps
    Toy Story 3
    Mission London
    Animal Kingdom
    Despicable Me
    Shutter Island
    The Town



    Have watched it some time ago but haven't got time to write a review. So now I finish it before I forget. 

    First of all, I like the movie. The story is catching, which reminds me of the works of Hitchcock. If we describe a movie as a building, then there is no structural problem. Every part is closely related and presented in an elegant way. 

    But there is one thing I feel unsatisfied, probably just my personal taste. Like the dream it discusses, the movie lacks details. Not the plot details I am talking about, but some delicacy I feel missing. I refer to another two my favorite movies, Godfather and Seven Samurai. These are two movies I can appreciate every day. There are always some delicacies that I can amplify and enjoy. However, I do not have the feeling that I should watch Inception for a second time. Still using the building analog, Inception is like a modern skyscraper. Magnificent, fully functional, but not enjoyable. Maybe I shouldn't complain too much, and this is just Nolan style. 

    A serious and nice movie, anyway. 

    A nice article on virtual screening application to drug design

    I am not an expert, but most of the points in this article do no require expertise to understand. As far as I know, the author does have a point. For example, the advancement of MD simulation is not just a matter of computation power. It requires a deeper understanding of the behind-the-scene mechanism.

    Going a little deeper, I have been thinking the herbal medicines. Why can we find cures from those herbs? Can we find some intrinsic and more traceable connections other than philosophical and ecological explanations? I am not sure if there is an answer to this question, but if there is one, that may be the ultimate solution to drug design problem.



    A typical Egoyan movie. Not bad, but I feel there is sth lacked.





    Avandia is in trouble




    我所体会的二泉映月的精髓,在于其婉转中不乏抑扬顿挫,不拘泥于形式,虽缺乏像小提琴一样的变化和复杂性,但别有一番韵味。给人的感觉好像门德尔松小提琴协奏曲的华彩部分,抑或Itzahk Perlman演奏的辛德勒名单的主题曲。

    然而youtube上面的诸多版本,有过分修饰的成分,虽然似乎技巧上有所提高,但却没有了其中的意境。二泉映月好比Ratatouille中Remy为Anton Ego做准备的家常菜,只有个中人能体会滋味,若只是片面追求外在形式,则有误入歧途之嫌。






    Dirty politics屡见不鲜,当年牛群冯巩的小偷公司里面的一副对联再合适不过:

    上联: 说你行 你就行 不行也行
    下联: 说不行 就不行 行也不行
    横批: 不服不行

    我改一下横批: 不查不行










    Inception is coming

    Going to watch it at iSquare on Aug 3.


    Organic fertilizer







    An amazing game for iPhone and iPod Touch. 不玩Charadium,不知道自己的词汇量小...


    An espresso machine for tea

    I got the same idea when I was checking the Nespresso series. It's a little bit weird but I think it gets its potential in China. However, it seems someone has already got the same idea. My feeling is there should be some big differences. Will think it over later.


    De Koninck Gusto 1833 Golden Blond

    In the middel of the ale and the lager, but not excel in either dimension. An ordinary blond ale.


    Trappist Rochefort 8

    Belgian ale. Dark brown in the cup. Terrific foam. Fruity and chocolate aroma. The foam is sweet while the beer is more malty. Overall, a well balanced beer.


    Robin Hood

    Not a blockbuster like Black Knight, but not a disappointment either.


    Trying out Diigo

    Seems to be an interesting tool and can replace delicious. Check out the link below:

    What would be announced at Apple WWDC 2010?

    iPhone III is in sight. What else can be expected?

    AAPL performance (using closing prices) during the WWDC for past five years:

    2005   Jun 6-10  37.92-35.81      -5.6%
    2006   Aug 7-11   67.21-63.65    -5.3%
    2007  Jun 11-15  120.19-120.50  +0.26%
    2008  Jun 9-13  175.75-172.37   -1.9%
    2009  Jun 8-12  143.85-136.97   -4.8%


    Will Diablo III be a big disappointment?

    Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo are no doubt the big three for Blizzard. However, the latter two now live in the shadow of WoW since it has become the indisputable profit engine for the game developer. Now, finally, the players are welcoming the sequels, SC II and Diablo III.

    I like SC II though it's definitely not going to replace the old version. The animation is cool and I believe Blizzard is going to keep what has been proved to be the success recipes for old SC. However, I also believe there will be negative things, and the fun from old SC is not upgraded simply by a cooler animation.

    But for Diablo III, what I get is disappointment. I haven't seen anything to be excited about. It has a different story line but that's not enough. Maybe I am a little bit too harsh and honestly, I don't have very concrete ideas about what should be added. But what I can say now is from the trailers, the game does not give me that feeling.

    Anyway, it's good to try. SC and Diablo are classics, and that's not about to change.


    My first port

    Graham's 2003 Vintage Port. Too sweet for me. Stop me from feeling other layers of the wine. Not my style.






    2005 Sine Qua Non Atlantis Fe2O3 1b

    My first SQN wine. Didn't decant it but I can sense its greatness upon opening. The wine has it all, and shows the delicate presentation of every layer in its complex flavor. I can feel sweet and silky tannin, as well as the typical pepper for a syrah wine. Also, there is some fruity hint which demonstrates the young and easy-going side of this wine. Really a master piece for the wine maker. I will give it 19/20 (leave some room for more surprise from SQN).







    We Rule

    An interesting SN game developed by famous mobile game developer ngmoco:).



    Studio Ghibli, the famous Japanese animatior, is cooperating with Level 5, a Japanese game developer, to produce a RPG game with fantastic pictures. This is interesting. Hollywood has already  been quite into this movie+game mode.

    I like Ghibli's past works. It would be great if they can move all their movies online to make a cloud-like virtual world.


    I like this quote

    In his review for the Hollywood Reporter, Frank Scheck wrote, "it may finally be time to let Shrek and Fiona live happily ever after."

    Frankly, I have lost much of my confidence in Dreamworks. From the Shrek case, it gives out a mercenary image to the public.

    How to train your dragon (HTYD) sequel

    Not surprisingly, Dreamworks is going to roll out a sequel to the new "blockbuster". But whether it can be successful is highly suspicious.

    First,  HTYD's success cannot contribute to the movie itself alone. There are many exogenous factors, such as release time, movie review, that all together result its success. The sequel may not be able to replicate those factors.

    Second, Dreamworks is different from Disney. Disney movies are more traditional style, and the high quality is consistent. Dreamworks is more maverick, and unpredictable. It can produce witty Shrek I and II, while can also produce rubbish Shrek III and Monsters vs Aliens. There is no guarantee of the quality. Surely there can be upside surprise, but downside disappointment more likely.

    HTYD is not as good as its box office seems to be. Its success may be totally accidental and not replicable. Given past experience, there is high probability Dreamworks will screw up its sequel again.





    第一自然是为何我会买了一个未熟的榴莲,这是思维惯性,在超市买榴莲基本不用自己挑,买的都是开包的,而若是开包的则默认是已经熟的,所以当时只注意了果肉的颜色而未注意到软硬,脱壳与否等环节。由此想到的是经济学里面的general equilibrium理论,以及金融市场里面的有效市场假说,所有的理论都依赖于市场参与者的信息集,而这一点正是社会多样奇妙之处。从另一个方面说,则是黑天鹅理论,在一个小概率事件下面隐藏的是与次贷危机同类的机理,只是并不是每一个黑天鹅都可以像榴莲放熟,但几乎每一个黑天鹅又都蕴藏着机会,比如生榴莲,就带来了我对于榴莲的进一步认识。



    Black swans are rare, but black-swan hunters are abundant

    Just read an article on on AAPL.

    I don't want to criticize the report itself, since two pages are definitely not enough. Many of the analyst's points can be found groundless, but I suppose that they will be much refined in a more complete report.

    Of course, AAPL is on the run now, and given its fabulous performance in the past years, such a bearish call is dismissed and slammed. It's not like the Enron case, AAPL should be able to have solid sales support, and that's more transparent than Enron.

    Mr. Bulkey is a black swan hunter. Of course, he only says AAPL is not as good as investors think it to be. The whole analysis is problematic, but a black swan is still possible. That's the interesting part of financial world. The reasoning is always decoupled from the result.


    Citibank Hong Kong e-banking

    I have accounts with four banks in HK: Citi, HSBC, Hangseng and BoC. Citi has the best customer service, but also gets the worst online banking system.

    The whole system seems a disaster to me. The speed is slow, and the display of information is usually messy and not clear. It does not provide a convenient interface for investment services either. The security trading through Citi e-banking is very much like a torture. On this metric, BoC and Hangseng stand out as leaders.

    Hope Citi would improve its system soon.


    Reading time

    Bloomberg mentioned five books on the crisis, among which I find some familiar names.
    The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine  I like his The Liar's Poker and Moneyball.
    The End of Wall Street The author of When Genius Failed.
    13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown 13, a very special number.
    The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It  This topic is toooooold. Let's see if this book can talk sth new.

    On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System As an insider, Mr. Paulson must feel it's a responsibility to give a personal account of the story.

    Will find some time to read these books and post the detailed reviews later. Stay tuned.

    What a way to finish the ogre

    Read an article from Bloomberg on the latest Shrek movie - Shrek: Forever After (probably the last one). Not surprisingly, the review is not good. I have watched the trailer. What disappointed me most is that now, not only the plot, also the picture quality become third-class. No doubt that the 3-D wave gives Shrek a final push.

    Farewell, Shrek.



    A handy tool



    这本书反映了典型的日本企业文化,不过作者所做的推理以及结论不够严谨,在这点上,我赞同Milton Friedman对于Business ethics的看法:Only human has ethics.

    PS: 书中提到的甜品店柳月很吸引人,什么时候去日本可以尝试一下。

    2003 Chateau Montrose

    Much to my disappointment. Acidy, tannic, earthy and little hint of chocolate. It's not like a classic Bordeaux, much closer to Burgundy or Rhone in my opinion. Maybe too early to make its call or perhaps decanting can do the trick.


    A book on the GS and Paulson case

    The greatest trade ever by Gregory Zuckerman.

    Every crisis not only generates opportunities, also nourishes great works. Haven't got time to read it yet. It's written by a WSJ reporter, and should be a serious work.

    PS: I am trying out Amazon associates.


    Cramer's point

    I am not an insider and haven't read the complaint yet. But potential information distortion or asymmetry and the definition of information should be the key of this case. Otherwise, Cramer made the point:

    A Case of Arrogance

    Cramer took a few moments to sum up today's Goldman news by saying that there's a line like between illegal, and just plain stupid. He said that while he's been pro-prosecution in his career for years, based on what he's seen so far, the government's case against Goldman is weak. at best.

    Cramer explained that Goldman doesn't appear to have done anything wrong. When a hedge fund client came to them asking for an investment tool to play the housing market in 2007, Goldman did what it was supposed to: It hired an outside firm to provide the due diligence. He said the resulting prospectus on the new investment tool seemed to be very thorough and transparent.

    So Cramer wondered whether it was illegal for Goldman to then sell this new product, or just stupid for anyone to buy it. He said he's not sure, but he does know that people made money hand over fist before the market ultimately collapsed.

    Cramer said he's all in favor of financial reforms, and he likes a vigilant prosecution, but not an over-zealous one. He said at first glance Goldman appears to be arrogant, and arrogance is not illegal.


    Bordeaux 09 En Primeur

    2009 seems a year not shy to 2005. But given current mania in the wine market, the price is already quite out of reach. Besides the most sought-after Lafite, keep an eye on Marguax, Leoville Lascases and Cos d'Estournel.







    The final push of 3-D tech

    "Madness is like gravity. All you need is a little push."
    - Joker, "The Dark Knight"

    The question is: who gives the 3-D tech the final push?

    There is no doubt that 2009 is the year of 3-D. We have seen a wave of 3-D movies, including the blockbusters "UP" and "Avatar". Also, electronics manufacturers are on a rush to roll out their 3-D TV. 2010 would be another go-go year. The WC will give 3-D TV a boost.

    One thing we need to make clear at first: 3-D tech is not something new. It has been there for years. But even today, the 3-D tech is still quite premature, or can be called "pseudo" 3-D. So it seems that the technology is not the major drive behind current 3-D mania. Then what is it?

    A popular theory is new technology or innovation usually would display a hump-shaped curve in the market. It also can be understood as a variation of the more general Elliot wave. In general, like what Jim Rogers said, people always swing between panic and hysteria.

    For 3-D tech, maybe we just see the first peak coming.


    Local beer in Hong Kong

    I suddenly get this question in my mind: why I haven't seen any locally brewed beer in HK? After googling, I find that there is indeed one local brewery:

    Though without any concreted numbers, I am sure beer consumption is high in HK, per capita. Only speaking of this, it seems to make perfect sense to run a business on this. However, the difficulty for a local brewery in HK may come from everywhere:

    1. Cost is high. It may not be economically sound to open a brewery at a place with high land rent and labor cost.

    2. Raw materials. Let alone hops and yeast. The other two key materials, barley and water, are not easy to find in HK. If it relies on import, the attractiveness would be reduced.

    3. Market competition. HK is a free market. Importers provide consumers here with hundreds of choices, at zero tax. A beer has to excel in one of the dimensions like brand image, cost or taste, to claim its own share in the competitive market.

    Anyway, I do see a chance here. There are answers to all the questions above. And the most important, is a passion for beer.


    The bright future of computational biology

    I have been looking into computational biology for some time, in particular, the molecular dynamics part. One sure application is the drug design. Successful cases have been reported (see J. Andrew McCammon's papers). That's probably also the reason why D.E. Shaw is so devoted into this.

    What happens behind the scene is that computational biology has totally changed the way of drug discovery/design. From traditional target drug test, we has made the drug business a search, like Google did for Internet, in plain words, 筛沙. With this change, we are able to make use of all computational resources on this planet and fundamentally accelerate the process.

    If we think a little bit wider, we may see the application goes far beyond drug business. Any traditional business may have its own chance to be reshaped. For example, in wine business, both oenology and viticulture can be revisited. Of course, further homework needs to be done to see whether such changes make perfect sense, both technically and economically.

    What I say here may not go real overnight, but in 5-10 years time, we have a great chance to see the explosion of such revolutions. Like what Monsanto did to what we eat, finally, we, human being, will be nothing but a combination of naked numbers.


    The curious case of Benjamin Button

    Feels like Forrest Gump. A good movie.

    "When it comes to the end, you have to let go."





    所谓弱碱性,小分子团,极软水,在我看来,都是相关的,通过一个电解槽就可实现,加上其他液晶面板,控制芯片等,一个成本也就在几百块,而价格呢,香港一个落后的Panasonic TK7585官方价8880HKD,日本稍微好点,最新的TK8051P大概在4000RMB左右,而落后的美国人民能享受到的大概也在1w-2wRMB左右.



    A few movies to keep an eye on

    1. Toy Story 3:

    Though Pixar never let me down before, I really doubt what they can make out of the tooold Toy Story.

    2. Alice in Wonderland:

    If well made, I think it would be a blockbuster. But I don't trust Tim Burton. They should pick a British director.

    3. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps:

    Old memory. The new Gordon Gekko's protege is Shia Lebeouf. But I am not expecting much, especially after watching the terrible trailers.

    4. Chloe:

    Should be a typical Atom Egoyan film. Starred by Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried.

    5. The Ghost Writer:

    Polanski's film. Not bad rating on IMDB.

    6. Shutter Island:

    I like Leonardo di Caprio now. This kid is now producing very serious performance. I would like to see what he can do in the new thriller.










    近一年家里面在喝一种来自广西名为"九千万"的山泉水,宣称特点为超软水(按照每加仑悬浮物数量定义水的hardness,具体可参见美国国家标准),小分子团(micro-clustering),弱碱性(slightly alkaline)...


    弱碱性水的研究现在还不完善,对于老年人钙质流失或许有所帮助,但至于其他宣称的特点尚有待验证。而即便好处多多诚如其宣称,在这个价位也有一个更好的选择: Water Ionizer。

    这个东西起到的作用和九千万完全一样,好一点的Ionizer既是净水器,又可以产生超软水,小分子团,弱碱性等等,而价格一般在1-2w人民币。比如Tyent MMP-7070,处理水量大约在3600L,简单按照水量来说相当于1万瓶九千万。

    老实说,我认为九千万的生产和自来水灌的桶装水无甚区别,肯定也是在那个地方用Ionizer自己制造"天然山泉水",既然如此,何不把Ionizer抬回家,自产九千万。这就是典型的reference price effect,有了九千万,昂贵的Ionizer反而显得很便宜。严重怀疑九千万就是一托儿。


    Bull is leaving


    Boys, catch up the leaving bull and slaughter it. You cannot make money in a bull or bear market and big money only turns out at the time when they switch.











    China's agriculture

    Just read two news:

    Contradicting? No. It just reveals the current state of China's agriculture. Many opportunities lie in this area, in particular, on four dimensions:

    1. Industralization;
    2. Standardization;
    3. Better market interaction;
    4. Employment of financial tools.

    Should Amazon partner with Apple?

    iPad, in my opinion, is a disastrous move for Apple. Just got an idea. Can Amazon partner with Apple on the Tablet market? I am doing a relevant research topic and I think it has its chance.



    just a bigger version of iPhone?

    The similarity to iPhone is good in some sense, but should be more. Mobility is not the selling point anymore so more innovation is expected.










    A postcard from Harlan Estate


    When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
    -John Muir


