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    This is the spark that is going to kill Apple


    Silver/Gold Ratio in 3 Days

    Drop from 0.0316 to 0.026. Silver might have a short rebound after breaking the 40 support. It is right to take some profit and to reduce the bet against silver for the moment.


    TN: 2002 Bond St. Eden

    What a wine! Fruity upon the open, but on palate, you can feel something underneath. After one hour aeration, it begins to open up. The fruitiness is now companied with chocolate, plum. Another hour later, the wine becomes more spicy. Sweet and chewy. Meaty with emerging hint of coffee. Very long finish. It's a pity we finish it just two hours after decanting. It may show new flavors with more aeration. Can be enjoyed now but not fully developed. Should lay down for another 3-5 years.

    On Silver

    I am shorting silver, in a middle-term. A safer way may be to long the gold/silver ratio. That is, in another sense, to bet the role of silver as a hedge against inflation is relatively overvalued.